A Progressive Vision


The Road Least Taken

The road least taken was established by residents, now once members of Pocono Farms East, about
twenty five (25) years ago. These founding members had a dream, a purpose, and a heart felt desire to formulate
a community association. The purpose of this formulation was, and still is, is to represent and protect the
invested interest of each members home, property and our community. Our founding members created By-Laws
and rules of order to follow. We also have a chartered covenant which assures our identity as a community
association. These founding members established a foundation for others to follow and build upon. Twenty five
(25) years has passed. The dreams, hopes and plans for our community by our founding members has come to
light, thanks to those members who took the same road for change.

Twenty five (25) years ago, Pocono Farms East, was not as you see it today. At that time, we had to
endure dirt pot hole ridden roads to travel on. The only paved roads were Kings Way Drive and Rob Roy Drive.
We had a sign on the corner of Route 196 and Kings Way Drive, which identified us as Pocono Farms East. At
best it was large. At worst it was deteriorating and unappealing to the eye. We also had a mail pavilion that
proved unsafe at night, due to not having lights to see at night when many members came home from work. This
mail pavilion served as a hang out for kids that created havoc towards members. We had storm water drainage
ditches through out our community, that was at best adequate when our community experienced some rain.
However, when Pocono Farms East, experienced a storm with heavy rain, our storm water drainage ditches
were not able to cope. This situation caused flooding and road erosion in our community. Snow removal in those
days caused all sorts of road erosion through out our community. An ice build up on our roads caused a
dangerous situation when members used these roads to get to work, or shop for food.

From the beginning and up to the present, our member officers, directors, and alternates of Pocono
Farms East, listened with interest to all complaints, suggestions of its members. A discussion was held to
determine the best course of action to address a complaint, or a suggestion in a speedy and cost effective way.
A recommendation was made to the board of directors of Pocono Farms East from the Pocono Mountain
School Board. They asked us to have a contractor pave Leslie Way, from Rob Roy Drive to Geraci Place. This
paved road would serve as a convenience for our schooled children, and school bus who will be traveling on it.
The board of directors accommodated the school board, and had a contractor pave Leslie Way. This was the
beginning of permanent change for our community.

This process of patching roads and cleaning some ditches went on for a decade or more. This effort was
futile when you are fighting the elements of weather. The board of directors, after witnessing much damage to
our roads, by a catastrophic thaw in the late nineties, decided that a permanent fix was in order to address our
community roads.

The year two thousand (2000) was the beginning of many changes. The board of directors of this
community, saw the need to have a contractor modify, pitch and pave each road in Pocono Farms East. This
move brought much change to our development. Our children were able to play, ride a bike, or walk safely on
our paved roads. Due to our paved roads, new homes were built, and new members were registered to our
association. Ultimately after some time had passed, and some discussion, our roads was signed over to the
Coolbaugh Township to maintain. With this sign off, all road side ditches and snow removal was included for
most of the township roads in our community.

The board of directors, in recognizing an unsightly condition on a common area off Rob Roy Dr.,
between Devon Rd. and Glouster Rd., hired a contractor to landscape the area. This taken action improved the
area, and made possible for every member to enjoy.

A while later the board of directors, saw fit to renovate our then old mail pavilion, with a new secure
structure. A contractor was hired to build this mail pavilion. This taken action would accommodate new mail
slots for our membership. Lighting was provided for members who would pick up their mail at night. Security
camera were installed, so to secure the safety of our members night and day. In addition to this renovation, a
large bulletin board was installed by a contractor, to inform our membership on notices, dates of meetings, or
anything that maybe of interest to our membership.

The board of directors, recognized the need to replace our old sign on Route 196 and Kings Way Dr. with
a new look of distinction and significance. The board hired a contractor to build the structure with lights and
plants. This new sign gave a prestigious identity for our community we all call Pocono Farms East Association.
Due to heavy rains, our storm water drainage system was faltering in every way. Members were
complaining of this situation, and responsible action needed to take place. In response to this crises, the board of
directors hire a contractor to clean, pitch and seed all storm water drainage ditches in Pocono Farms East. This
taken action satisfied many members of this community.

About seven (7) years ago, a vote was taken to build a civic center. Much work, money and time was
spent by board members, management, engineers, builders, and township so to accomplish this feat. Now my
fellow members we have a new building of which we can say we own. To finance this new building, the board of
directors were instructed to use our reserve funds to pay for this new building. This method to finance this
building was to assure our membership of no financial burden and no dues increase from the membership.
To achieve all that was accomplished in twenty five (25) years, it took about ninety five (95) members
serving at times as alternates, directors and officers. Most of these dedicated members had a vision and a desire
to take the road for change in our community. They took the road least taken because, they had a desire to
improve the quality of living for every member of this association. They gave of themselves without reservation
their unselfish time, knowledge and much wisdom so to achieve the changes that made Pocono Farms East, a
pleasant place to live and enjoy with family and friends. What a feeling it is to see change, especially when you
had a part in that change. For me, a smile on a child face, or a members face when they are enjoying these
changes is reward enough.

Like many associations, the life support of its existence is dependent upon their membership
participation. Pocono Farms East, is not exempt from this process. We need members who are dedicated,
innovative, creative, morally responsible, and motivated to take this road for change. Our association needs
these qualities from members who wish to serve, and make a difference for their fellow members and
community. We need members who are willing to take this road least taken for a lasting change in our
community. Your reward will be a blessing from who made us all, a smile from a child, and a warm feeling of
satisfaction from within yourself. Please serve and make a difference on the road least taken for change.

Written by
Larry Williams